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Functional Area Tumor
By using disposable needle electrodes to record and stimulate routine monitoring items, including somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP)
Upper limb sensory evoked potential + lower limb sensory evoked potential, transcranial electric motor evoked potential (TCeMEP), cortical somatosensory evoked potential (SEP), direct cortical and subcortical electrical stimulation (Direct cortical and subcortical electrical stimulation)
Key Features:

● 16/32 channels amplifier with 1 extra low electrical stimulation port, 9 channels stimulation box;

● Compact and light weight design of master control box for easy portability with a handy suitcase;

●Has flexible configuration of measurement modalities, including EMG, MEP, SEP, BAEP, VEP, EEG, TOF, Pedicle screw etc. to meet different surgical needs of spinal surgery or neurosurgery;

●Including high configurable, high-performance laptop;

●Anti-interference integrated needle electrode enable to achieve all data acquisition for different modalities;

●Optional double screen and trolley styles help to meet different surgical needs;

  • 390
    Electrical safety monitoring
  • 101
    Performance indicator testing
  • 4919
    Software testing and detection
  • 14
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing
  • 6
    Biocompatibility testing
  • 8
    Simulated transportation test
Functional Area Tumor
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NCC, headquartered in Shanghai, China, boasts a comprehensive product, consumable and service line covering outpatient, surgical and inpatient care, focusing on the development of IOM devices and accessories.
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